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/ École d'urbanisme et d'architecture de paysage

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Francesca Fiaschi



Faculté de l'aménagement - École d'urbanisme et d'architecture de paysage

Courriels (Travail)

Master de 2e niveau en requalification des établissements et des infrastructures pour la coopération et le développement
2004 , Architecture, Urbanisme , Polytechnic de Milan (Italie)

Maîtrise en Architecture
2003 , Architecture , Université des Études de Florence (Italie)


Responsabilities and outreach Expand all Collapse all

Titres : corporations et organismes professionnels

Publications Expand all Collapse all

In progress. G. Cardosi, S. Kibue, F. Fiaschi, N.Okello, 2024, Leaving the Slum: Design Challenges to Balance Benefits and Risks of Displacement,  Lessons from a Workshop”,  Lessons from a Workshop”, In (Martins eds): Risk, resilience, and humanitarian architecture in practice under climate, sanitary and forced displacement crises, Springer.

F.Fiaschi, 2023, Urban planning practice evolution in town reconstruction. The post-war and L’Aquila post-earthquake Reconstruction Plan. Analogies and differences, in the Adaptative cities through, The post pandemic lens, Ripensare tempi e sfide della città flessibile nella storia urbana, Times and Challenges in Urban History, X Congresso AISU / 10th AISU Congress, AISU international, Torino, ISBN 978-88-31277-03-7,

Fiaschi F. (2021) Thinking About Post-disaster Reconstruction in Europe: Functionalist and Identity Approaches. In: Arefian F.F., Ryser J., Hopkins A., Mackee J. (eds) Historic Cities in the Face of Disasters. The Urban Book Series. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-77356-4

Revues avec comité de lecture

F. Fiaschi. 2004Dar al Islam. L’altra casa dell’Islam. Moschea a Beirut. Bollettino degli Ingegneri di Toscana. numero 3. marzo/04. Firenze

Communications Expand all Collapse all

2022/ Association Internationale AISU ( Association Italienne d’Histoire Urbaine) et Polytechnique de Tourin. Tourin, Italie. Congrés  “Adaptative cities through the post pandemic lens, (Repenser les temps et les défis de la ville flexible dans l'histoire urbaine/Times and Challenges in Urban History). Participation avec le sujet: “Urban planning practice evolution in town reconstruction. The post-war and L’Aquila post-earthquake Reconstruction Plan. Analogies and differences” à la Macrosession 1 "Adaptiveness and Change. Crisis and new beginnings;  microsection “1.11 Re-constructions. Seismic Italy from Messina 1908 until today"”. Conférencière invitée.  6-10 Septembre 2022.

2019. Silk Cities Reconstruction, Recovery and Resilience of Historic Cities and Societies. Organised by Silk Cities, University of L’Aquila and UCL -UK. Participation avec le sujet: "Thinking about reconstruction: functionalist or identity approaches? Following the great post-World War II reconstruction and the recent Italian post-earthquake reconstructions, what is the current model?". Conférencière invitée.10-12 Julie 2020, L'Aquila, Italie.

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